Food rescue in 2022: Where to from here?

Recommendations from Food rescue in 2022: Where to from here?
This report was produced with support from many stakeholders and experts. We have benefitted hugely from the insights and knowledge of our burgeoning reference group and have valued opportunities to see the rescue sector’s work in action. Thanks for inviting us into your world and helping us to keep the realities of the food rescue operating environment in mind as we drafted the report and recommendations. Keep up the great mahi!

Emily and Deborah at Fair Food. Photo credit: Fair Food

Kai unloaded from a KiwiHarvest truck for a recipient organisation

Juliet helping to load the Waiheke Resources Trust van
As ever, a final thanks to the OPMCSA team for their efforts to get this report out of the door, in particular to Emily McCarthy, Colson Verdonk, Susie Meade, and George Slim.
Ngā manaakitanga,