AI & Education

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is being integrated into many aspects of our day to day lives. From Google, Siri, and Alexa to social media and ChatGPT, we interact with these complex algorithms to help us find information and opportunities or connect with others. In this age of rapidly evolving technology, increasing productivity, and easily accessible information, what does this mean for education?

Education is not only about students acquiring knowledge but is an important part of individual and societal development, opportunity, and wellbeing. Technology can benefit education by breaking down traditional barriers, making information and resources more accessible to more people. AI can enable new innovations for personalised learning and reduce teacher workload; it will be a part of the modern world into which students are entering.

But how can we integrate this new technology into educational systems while minimising risks and unintended consequences? How do we ensure equity, protect privacy as data is collected, minimise bias in training data, and protect data sovereignty?

The future of education and AI will depend on how we empower students, educators, and policy leaders to embrace innovation, consider ethics and reimagine learning together.

This intern project aims to provide information and resources to catalyse conversation around education in the age of AI.


We will be approaching this project as a series of dynamic short form articles and think pieces, which tackle different questions regarding AI & education.

Areas of Impact

How could adopting AI impact assessment, teaching, learning and leadership and management in education?

AI Applications in Education

What is the current and emerging technology landscape in AI? What are the potential applications, and how can it be applied in education?

Existing New Zealand Policies

What are the existing legislation and guidelines in New Zealand relevant to digital content, collection of data and use of algorithms? What are the currently under or unregulated areas for educators and policymakers to explore?

International Trends

What are the key themes of AI strategy and policy landscape internationally, particularly in relation to education? What actions could New Zealand consider taking?



This page is an output from an internship that Lysea Haggie did with the OPMCSA. The mahi is guided and informed by a range of experts and stakeholders. A huge thank you to everyone who has been willing to share their knowledge with Lysea on this topic.

Last updated: 23rd January, 2024