The Government released its formal response to the PMCSA Rethinking plastics report last week.
Rethinking plastics in Aotearoa New Zealand was published by the Office of the Prime Minister’s Chief Science Advisor in December 2019.
Read the press release on the Beehive website
The detailed response includes several commitments, including the development of a plastics research agenda, the development of sustainable use guidelines for government agencies, and support for businesses, organisations and communities to take action.
Read the full response on the Ministry for the Environment website
The response was released alongside plans to phase out seven single-use plastic items and some hard-to-recycle plastic products.The public is invited to make submissions on this proposal, titled Reducing the impact of plastic on our environment. Submissions close on 4 November 2020.
Read the proposal on phasing out certain plastic items and have your say
Read more about the proposal and the Rethinking plastics response in this media coverage: