AI and the regulatory landscape

With any new technological development, understanding its societal implications and deciding whether and how the new technology should be regulated poses a challenge. AI has added complexity because of the speed at which AI technology is evolving. The release of publicly accessible generative AI late in 2022, for example, raises issues not addressed by the emerging international consensus on the principles that should underpin AI regulation.

We will update this content periodically, but it’s worth noting that, like AI itself, the regulatory state of play will continue to evolve.

The international regulatory landscape

In June of 2023 our team attempted to summarise the international regulatory context for AI to produce an A3 resource (available to download at the link below). The summary document outlines some of the challenges of designing appropriate regulation, an emerging international consensus on the principles regulation should support, and specific pieces of relevant legislation around the world. The purpose of this document isn’t to make recommendations, but to highlight the relevant issues and collate what is happening elsewhere.

To complement the release of the A3 summary our team also released a blog post that explores in more detail why regulating AI is so challenging for policy makers globally. Have a read of the blog post here.

An evolving regulatory landscape

The downloadable A3 resource is current as of June 2023. We know that the regulatory landscape is evolving and there will be ongoing changes across jurisdictions. Our team will continue to monitor the international regulatory landscape and will post updates here periodically. Be sure to check back regularly!

British flag, Big Ben and Houses of Parliament. London

In February 2024, the UK Government released its response to the 2023 White Paper consultation on regulating AI. The UK government has confirmed its commitment to a pro-innovation stance by introducing a principles based, non-statutory, cross sector framework. At present, regulators are responsible for interpreting and applying the framework within their respective domains however it is acknowledged that the challenges posed by AI will ultimately require legislation once our understanding of AI matures.

European Union flag with blue background and yellow stars

December 2023 – European Union officials have reached a provisional agreement on the Artificial Intelligence Act. The European Parliament will vote on the AI Act proposals early next year. Legislation will not take effect until at least 2025.

British flag, Big Ben and Houses of Parliament. London

November 2023 – The UK government held the first AI Safety Summit where 28 governments signed up to the Bletchley declaration.

The White House in Washington DC

October 2023 – President Joe Biden issued an Executive Order  establishing a sweeping set of regulatory principles on AI.

Video resources

At present the EU is making headway in its regulation of AI. In this video explainer, Richard Massey describes what these emerging regulations could mean for New Zealand for businesses adopting AI tools

The OECD released the following video highlighting the various needs and requirements (often conflicting) that will need to be appropriately balanced in order to arrive at suitable AI governance and regulatory settings.  

Last edited on: 15th December 2023