by JonoB | Nov 5, 2019 | Case studies – Rethinking plastics
The PURE (Plastic Use Resistance Education) tour was a collaborative project between Massey University, the Algalita Foundation of California, Para Kore, Okeanos and the Los Angeles-5 Gyres Institute. The project was powerful because it connected indigenous science...
by JonoB | Nov 5, 2019 | Case studies – Rethinking plastics
A UK study found that separating plastics in household waste for recycling was a better environmental option than incineration in a waste-to-energy facility.[1] Nevertheless, if contaminated and mixed plastic cannot be recycled into high quality recyclate, it remains...
by JonoB | Nov 5, 2019 | Case studies – Rethinking plastics
Fresán and colleagues undertook ‘cradle-to-gate’ carbon footprint studies of six common breakfast foods eaten in southern California: orange juice, milk, instant coffee, breakfast cereals, bread buns and peanut butter.[1] Similar to a number of other LCA studies, they...
by JonoB | Nov 4, 2019 | DCSAs, In the news
Recent Stats NZ figures show that more than 1.4 million of employed adults (58%), drive a private vehicle main way of getting to work, despite calls to reduce our reliance on cars. Chief Science Advisor for the Ministry of Transport, Professor Simon Kingham, is...
by JonoB | Oct 21, 2019 | In the news
Juliet spoke on RNZ with Kathryn Ryan, Dr Mike King (University of Otago) and Dr Bjorn Oback (AgResearch) about gene editing in New Zealand. Listen to the discussion on RNZ here...