Quiet thoughts

Quiet thoughts

Kia ora koutou Apart from acknowledging the terrible events of March 15th with a ‘Kia Kaha’, we have turned down the social media volume to zero this week in the Office. A mark of respect for the victims and their whanau, and a time to reflect. A week later, here are...
Interns at the science-policy interface

Interns at the science-policy interface

Kia ora koutou Over the last few months, as I’ve spent time listening to researchers and policymakers, I have been constantly struck by how weak the interface is between these two groups. There are of course some marvellous exceptions. However, in general, I hear...
Reflections on #RethinkPlastic

Reflections on #RethinkPlastic

This month we are kicking off our work on rethinking plastic. This happens to coincide with the release of the Colmar Brunton Better Futures 2018 report that cites 72% of New Zealanders have plastic as a top concern. With millions of plastic bags used *per minute*...
Haere mai, welcome Rachel

Haere mai, welcome Rachel

As the Office swings into action for 2019 we welcome the final member of our team – Dr Rachel Chiaroni-Clarke. Rachel was the successful applicant in our search for a Research Analyst and Writer. We had a huge amount of interest in this position and so Rachel...