OPMCSA in the media

A collection of news media featuring Juliet and the Chief Science Advisor Forum, as well as stories related to the work of the Office.

The Food Loss and Waste series in the media

Our series on food loss and waste has featured in the media. See the coverage in the links below Read Food waste crisis: Kiwis are throwing away $3.2 billion a year by Jamie Morton in the New Zealand Herald. Read How food waste is baked into daily life by Eloise...

What does a Chief Science Advisor do?

Simon Kingham, Former Chief Science Advisor | Ministry of Transport - Te Manatū Waka spoke with RNZ about the role of Chief Science Advisor and the many faces of science in the world of transport. Listen to the interview...

Tom Wilson on disaster risk management

Tom Wilson, National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) Chief Science Advisor, was quoted in an article about planning for catastrophic events. Specifically, disaster risks from the Hikurangi subduction zone. Read the article published by Radio New...

AI in Healthcare report in the media

The 2023 report, Capturing the benefits of AI in healthcare for Aotearoa New Zealand, was referenced to highlight the potential benefits that AI might offer the New Zealand health system.  Read the article published by The National Business Review....

The Gangs report in the media

The OPMCSA's report, "Toward an understanding of Aotearoa New Zealand's adult gang environment", has featured in multiple news articles and interviews with Juliet and co-author Professor Tracey McIntosh. See the coverage in the links below 5th July 2023 The report...

Jacinda Ardern speaks at WHO’s 76th Assembly

Former Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern speaks at WHO's 76th Assembly, discussing her experience leading the Covid-19 pandemic response, including the role of Professor Sir Ashley Bloomfield and Professor Dame Juliet Gerrard. To see more about the speech, read the...

The Fisheries Report in the Media

The 2021 Fisheries report was referenced in these articles. In an article about the fishing industry and the draft industry transformation plan, the Office's 2021 report on Fisheries was highlighted as evidence of the need for change. Read more in the Newsroom...

Fish underwater, front-on to camera with mouth agape

An appeal for improved marine habitat protection

MP and Greens fisheries spokesperson Eugenie Sage has appealed for wider protection of Aotearoa New Zealand's marine environment, calling for a more "holistic" and "ecosystem based" approach to marine habitat protection. Sage says that current protection of New...

COP15 International Science Advisors’ Statement

Juliet has joined with her international peers in releasing the COP15 International science advisors statement. The statement outlines the vital importance of action and commitment to protect biodiversity, and the grim reality if action isn't taken. The statement calls on governments around the globe to commit to addressing this pressing issue at COP15.

Earth from space

GE in the media

An article in the NZ Herald details the history of GE in Aotearoa, the current regulatory systems, the review of these settings and what could occur moving forward. Juliet is interviewed in the article, giving her perspective on the issue, including the difficulty...

Government responds to the fisheries report

Last week the government formally responded to The Future of Commercial Fishing report. Minister Parker announced the formal response to the report at the Sea into the Future conference, where Juliet was also a speaker.

Stripy parore fish swim near the seafloor, surrounded by tall kelp

Our first food waste report in the media

Our series of reports on food waste are underway with the first of these reports released in early July. The office is busy with the second report, focused on food rescue, while engaging with stakeholders across the food system. This page highlights the coverage of...

Spinach leaves

Hon David Parker on GM

In an interview with Newshub, Hon David Parker discusses GM policies, and outlines why they are being reviewing the regulatory settings around biomedical research and laboratory research to see if they are outdated. Watch the interview...

Kotahitanga in the media

We released our report Kotahitanga Uniting Aotearoa against infectious disease and antimicrobial resistance on 3 March 2022. Check out recent news articles that have profiled our work.

An artist's depiction of an Escherichia coli bacterium cell

What comes next with COVID?

The New Zealand Herald has written an in-depth article questioning what is going to happen next after two years of COVID in Aotearoa New Zealand. Speaking to the Herald, Juliet said she had faith we would come through this crisis just as strongly as before. We’ve...

An illustrative model of a SARS-CoV-2 virus particle

Are kiwis losing faith in our experts?

Last year an international study found that Aotearoa New Zealand had the highest level of trust in scientists compared to 11 other countries surveyed (including the US, UK and Australia). With recent protests, journalists are asking whether this level of trust may have waned. Juliet talked to the Herald about how this is not necessarily the case.

Protesters in Wellington

The five burning questions facing NZ

When will we have a vaccine? And are our borders sufficiently secure now? Science reporter Jamie Morton spoke to Juliet and other scientists to answer five burning coronavirus questions facing NZ.

A COVID tracer QR code print out in a cafe

Why science really does matter

Dr George Slim, consultant for the Office, writes about the role of the PMCSA and evidence-based decision making in Build magazine, the flagship publication of BRANZ.

Dr George Slim

Rethinking Plastics in Aotearoa New Zealand

In light of increasing public concern over the harmful effects of plastic pollution, the Prime Minister’s Chief Science Advisor, Professor Juliet Gerrard, is presenting the Rethinking Plastics in Aotearoa New Zealand report to the Prime Minister on Sunday 8th December.

Reusable coffee cups made of ceramic with the word "reuse" written on one

WasteMINZ Press Release Rethinking Plastics in Aotearoa NZ

WasteMINZ, NZ’s largest representative body of the waste minimisation, resource recovery and contaminated land sectors, is pleased to see the report articulating a national focus on many of the challenges and solutions that its members have been debating and creating in recent years.

Reusable coffee cups made of ceramic with the word "reuse" written on one

Why isn’t my professor Pasifika or Māori?

One of our interns, Dr Tara McAllister (Te Aitanga ā Māhaki), and her fellow researcher, Dr Sereana Naepi, joined RNZ to talk about their research into the stubbornly low numbers of Māori and Pasifika working at New Zealand universities.

Lecture hall

12 Questions with Juliet

In the NZ Herald's '12 Questions with...' series, Professor Juliet Gerrard answers questions about science and her role as the Prime Minister's Chief Science Advisor.

Juliet Gerrard. Image credit: Greg Bowker/NZ Herald

Ministry of Education Chief Science Advisor discusses teaching children argument and empathy

Professor Stuart McNaughton, Chief Science Advisor for the Ministry of Education, recently spoke to Newshub about the need to teach children critical analysis and argument—but also empathy, Aoteaora, NZ, New Zealand, Science, research, science advice, science policy, evidence-based policy, science advice, PMCSA, OPMCSA, Prime Minister’s Chief Science Advisor, Professor Juliet Gerrard, Juliet Gerrard, Chief Science Adviser, Chief Science Advisor

Apple, books, pencils and ABC blocks

NZ Herald Q&A with Juliet

Science journalist Jamie Morton interviewed Juliet for a Q&A in NZ Herald about her new role as the Prime Minister's Chief Science Advisor. 

Juliet Gerrard