Our panel
We convened an expert panel to create a diverse and balanced group that could guide Juliet and the Office in preparing this report. Meet the expert panel members below.
We are incredibly grateful to the support and hard work that the panel has put into this research. The values below reflect the views of the project’s expert panel and framed our work:
- Retain what has worked – build on strong foundations to enhance outcomes for commercial fishing, the community and the environment, and remain open to new ways of doing things.
- Challenge and inspire – use knowledge and science to challenge, inspire and guide a better future for commercial fisheries and Aotearoa New Zealand.
- Responsibility – to be good ancestors and ensure we maintain and enhance the resource for those generations to come.
- Te hā o Tangaroa kia ora ai tāua – protection of the environment (and ecosystem) so that utilisation is possible and sustainable.
- Respect – respect for the oceans, the people, and the products we produce and share. We reflect on what sustains us, the contributions made, and the high value of our products.
- Crown obligations – have respect for the agreements made between the Crown and iwi in relation to fisheries and the marine environment, such as Te Tiriti o Waitangi and the 1992 Fisheries Settlement.
Read the Terms of Reference (PDF, 247KB)

Cawthron Institute / Sustainable Seas
Dr Chris Cornelisen is the group manager for coastal sciences at Cawthron Institute and has more than 20 years research experience in physical biology, coastal processes and land-sea interactions. He is a member of the Challenge Leadership Team for the Sustainable Seas National Science Challenge (NSC) and leads the Precision Farming Technologies for Aquaculture spearhead for the Science for Technological Innovation NSC. Chris and the teams he leads have significantly advanced ocean observing and have made significant impacts on the management of marine resources in New Zealand, including development of best management practices and standards for aquaculture, integrated frameworks for monitoring regional state of the environment, remote monitoring technologies, and novel tools and methods for assessing multiple stressors and ecosystem health.
Seafood New Zealand and more
WWF-New Zealand
University of Auckland
Cawthron Institute
Environmental Defence Society
University of Canterbury
Te Ohu Kaimoana
Plant & Food Research / University of Auckland
We thank the many researchers, stakeholders and interested parties who agreed to be on our reference group, met with the team, provided introductions, generously contributed time, energy and suggestions to this project through conversation, consultation, peer review or high-level comments on the report. We are particularly grateful to those who hosted the team to give us the necessary insights into the setting of commercial fisheries on which we were providing advice. Though we have incorporated as much feedback as possible, we acknowledge that this is an area with highly contested views and that as a result not all suggestions could be actioned. As such, our acknowledgement of people who helped us with this project in no way reflects endorsement of the project itself. We have done our utmost to keep track of everyone who has contributed and they are recorded below. Please accept our sincere apologies for any inadvertent errors.
We’d also like to acknowledge those who chose not to be listed in these acknowledgements.
Ngā mihi nui ki a koutou.
Abbie Bull, Ministry for the Environment
Adam Smith, Massey University
Alec Woods, Pacific Networks
Alaric McCarthy, Cawthron Institute
Alex Rogers, Hauraki Gulf Forum
Alice Rogers, Victoria University of Wellington
Alison Collins, Ministry for the Environment
Alison Greenaway, Manaaki Whenua
Alistair Jerrett, formerly Plant & Food Research
Amanda Leathers, World Wildlife Fund
Anastasija Zaiko, Cawthron Institute
Andrew Hill, Fisheries New Zealand
Andrew Peti, New Zealand Coastal Seafoods
Andrew Talley and the team at Talley’s Motueka
Angus McIntosh, University of Canterbury
Anita Lee, Marine Stewardship Council
Anna Madarasz-Smith, Hawke’s Bay Regional Council
Anna Yallop, Seafood Innovations
Anne Gabriel, Marine Stewardship Council
Anthony Tuanui, cray fisher, Rēkohu Wharekauri the Chatham Islands
Aroha Spinks, World Wildlife Fund
Ashley Rowden, Victoria University of Wellington
Balam Jimenez, Victoria University of Wellington
Barry Torkington
Barry Weeber, ECO NZ
Becky Shanahan, Hawke’s Bay Regional Council
Beth Fulton, CSIRO, Australia
Beth Hampton, Ministry for Primary Industries
Brendan Flack, East Otago Taiāpure Committee
Bronwen Golder, Stanford Centre for Ocean Solutions
Bubba Cook, World Wildlife Fund-NZ
Carol Scott, Southern Inshore Fisheries Management Company
Caroline Wahid, Department of Conservation
Carolyn Lundquist, University of Auckland
Carolyn Walker, Ministry for Business, Innovation and Employment
Cath Wallace, ECO NZ
Ceri Warnock, University of Otago
Charles Heaphy, Sealord
Charlotte Austin, Fisheries New Zealand
Chris Battershill, University of Waikato
Chris Hepburn, University of Otago
Chris Rodley, SnapIT
Chris Tyler, SnapIT
Christina Stringer, University of Auckland
Cliff Law, NIWA
Conrad Pilditch, University of Waikato Constance Nutsford, Ministry for the Environment
Dan Bolger, Fisheries New Zealand
Dan Hikuroa, University of Auckland
Dana Briscoe, Cawthron Institute
Danette Olsen, Ministry for Business, Innovation and Employment
Darren Guard, Guard Safety
Daryl Sykes, NZ Rock Lobster Industry Council
Dave Jose, Foodstuffs
Dave Kelbe, Xerra Earth Observation Institute
Dave Kellian, Fisher, Leigh
Dave Woods, Precision Seafood Harvesting
David Ashton, Plant & Food Research
David Howes, Fisheries New Zealand
David Jones, Sanford
David Middleton, Pisces Research
David Schiel, University of Canterbury
Deanna Clement, Cawthron Institute
Debbie Freeman, Department of Conservation
Duncan Currie, Deep Sea Conservation Coalition
Edward Abraham, Dragonfly Data Science
Elisabeth Easther
Elizabeth Macpherson, University of Canterbury
Emma Jones, NIWA
Erena Le Heron, Le Heron Leigh Consulting
Euan Harvey, Curtin University, Australia
Francisco Blaha, fisheries consultant
Freya Hjorvarsdottir, Fisheries New Zealand
Gaia Dell’Ariccia, Auckland Council
Gary Cameron, PāuaMAC4 Industry Association, Rēkohu Wharekauri the Chatham Islands
Geoff Keey, Forest and Bird
Geoffroy Lamarche, Office of the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment
George Clement, Deepwater Group
George Makene, Ministry for Primary Industries
Georgina Nicholson, University of Auckland
Gerry Closs, University of Otago
Glenice Paine, for Waikawa Fishing Company
Graham Rickard, NIWA
Greg Bishop, formerly Lee Fish
Helen Mussely, Plant & Food Research
Ian Angus, Department of Conservation
Ian Ruru, ESR
Ian Tuck, NIWA
Igor Debsky, Department of Conservation
Jacinta Ruru, University of Otago
James Williams, NIWA
Jason Mika, Massey University
Jason Tylianakis, University of Canterbury
Jeremy Helson, Seafood New Zealand
Joe Prebble, GNS Science
Johan Svenson, Cawthron Institute
John Roche, Ministry for Primary Industries
John Tanzer, World Wildlife Fund-Global
Jonathan Peacey, The Nature Conservancy
Josie Crawshaw, Bay of Plenty Regional Council
Julie Hall, Sustainable Seas National Science Challenge
Karl Warr, Better Fishing
Karli Thomas, Deep Sea Conservation Coalition
Katherine Short, Terra Moana
Katina Conomos, The Noises Marine Protection and Restoration Project
Ken Hughey, Department of Conservation
Kevin Hague, Forest and Bird
Kim Drummond, Te Ohu Kaimoana
Kim George, Fisheries New Zealand
Kina Scollay, former pāua fisher, Rēkohu Wharekauri the Chatham Islands
Kypros Kotzikas, United Fisheries
Lara Taylor, Manaaki Whenua
Laura Domigan, University of Auckland
Laurie Beamish, Ngāi tai ki Tāmaki
Laws Lawson, Fisheries Inshore New Zealand
Libby Liggins, Massey University
Liz Slooten, University of Otago
Louise Furey, Tāmaki Paenga Hira Auckland Museum
Lucy Jacob, World Wildlife Fund
Lucy Tukua
Mark Edwards, NZ Rock Lobster Industry Council
Mark Geytenbeek, Fisheries New Zealand
Mark Lokman, University of Otago
Mark Morrison, NIWA
Mark Sowden, Stats NZ
Maru Samuels, Iwi Collective Partnership
Matt Dunn, NIWA
Matt Pinkerton, NIWA
Matt Bjerregaard Walsh, Food and Agricultural Organisation for the United Nations
Matt Watson, Marine Stewardship Council
Maui Solomon and the Trustees, Hokotehi Moriori Trust
Max Kennedy, Ministry for Business, Innovation and Employment
Megan Carbines, Auckland Council
Melissa Bowen, University of Auckland
Michelle Cherrington, Moana New Zealand
Michael Bunce, Environmental Protection Authority
Mike Smith, National Iwi Chairs Forum Oceans Group
Mike Taitoko, Takiwā
Moana Tamaariki-Pohe
Monique Holmes, Te Ohu Kaimoana
Murray Skeaff, University of Otago
Naomi Parker, Ministry for Primary Industries
Naomi Simmonds, Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi
Nate Smith, Gravity Fishing
Nici Gibbs, Fathom Consulting
Nick Cameron, pāua fisher, Rēkohu Wharekauri the Chatham Islands
Nick King, Cawthron Institute
Nick Shears, University of Auckland
Nicola Wheen, University of Otago
Olive Andrews, South Pacific Whale Research Consortium
Oliver Floerl, Cawthron Institute
Oliver Wade, Marlborough District Council
Pablo Higuera, University of Auckland
Pamela Mace, Fisheries New Zealand
Perya Short, Marine Stewardship Council
Peter Ritchie, Victoria University of Wellington
Peter Win, New Zealand Coastal Seafoods
Philipp Neubauer, Dragonfly Data Science
Pierre Tellier, Ministry for the Environment
Pita Turei, Taumata-a-iwi, Auckland Museum
Rebecca Mills, The Lever Room; Sustainable Seas National Science Challenge
Richard Ford, Fisheries New Zealand
Richard Le Heron, University of Auckland
Richard Newcomb, Plant & Food Research
Richard O’Driscoll, NIWA
Richard Wells, Resourcewise
Rob Major, Cawthron Institute
Rob Murdoch, NIWA
Rochelle Constantine, Te Whare Wānanga o Tāmaki Makaurau – University of Auckland
Rod Neureuter, The Noises Trust
Ross Vennell, Cawthron Institute
Sam Birch, Lee Fish
Sam Thomas, Department of Conservation
Sarah Flanagan, University of Canterbury
Sean Cooper, Department of Conservation
Serean Adams, Cawthron Institute
Shane Geange, Department of Conservation
Shaun Ogilvie, Cawthron Institute
Shelton Harley, Fisheries New Zealand
Simon Childerhouse, Cawthron Institute
Simon Thrush, University of Auckland
Simon Upton, Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment
Stacey Faire, Bay of Plenty Regional Council
Stacey Whitiora, Plant & Food Research
Steve Urlich, Lincoln University
Steve Wing, University of Otago
Storm Stanley, Pāua Industry Council
Stuart Brodie, Ministry for the Environment
Stuart Yorston, Sealord
Sue Marshall, Plant & Food Research
Sue Neureuter, The Noises Trust
Susan Thorpe, Hokotehi Moriori Trust
Tai Ahu, Te Ohu Kaimoana
Tamar Wells, Te Ohu Kaimoana
Tane van der Boon, MAUI63
Te Aomihia Walker, Te Ohu Kaimoana
Te Atarangi Sayers, Motiti Rohe Moana Trust
Te Taiawatea Moko-Mead, Te Ohu Kaimoana
Te Tuani Paki, Ngāi Tahu
Thomas Brzostowski, The Nature Conservancy
Tim Armitage, Sanford
Tim Haggitt, University of Auckland
Tim Harwood, Cawthron Institute
Tim Higham, formerly Hauraki Gulf Forum
Tā Tipene O’Regan
Tom McClurg, Toroa Strategy
Tom Searle, Lee Fish
Tom Trnski, Tāmaki Paenga Hira Auckland Museum
Tony Craig, Terra Moana
Veena Patel, Fisheries New Zealand
Vince Galvin, Stats NZ
Vicki Watson, Aotearoa Circle
Volker Kuntzsch, formerly Sanford
Vonda Cummings, NIWA
Xavier Pochon, Cawthron Institute
Zoe Neureuter, The Noises Trust