Intern and fellow alumni
As part of our mission to build and develop links between science, research and policy, the Office hosted and mentored interns and seconded fellows from research organisations into policy environments.
Read more about our internships and fellowships
Meet our past interns and fellows below.

Dr Anne-Gaelle Ausseil
Working with Alison Collins (Chief Science Advisor for the Ministry for the Environment), Anne-Gaelle’s project explored the different frameworks used for understanding the environment and its relationship to well-being. She completed her fellowship in 2021, but is continuing this work in her new role as a principal scientist at the Ministry for the Environment. Previously, Anne-Gaelle spent 17 years working at Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research.
Read the report ‘Environmental stewardship and well-being’ on the Manaaki Whenua website (May 2021)
Read a summary ‘Codifying the relationship between nature and people’ (PDF, 658KB) (May 2021)

Zoe Bowbrick
Zoe completed an internship in June 2024 focusing on science in emergencies. Zoe has a background in geography and geology. She has an MSc in Geological and Environmental Hazards from the University of Portsmouth.

Dr Jono Barnsley
Jono has a background in physical chemistry and a PhD involving the study of highly coloured materials. For his internship he completed in 2019, Jono worked on ‘insect decline’. He carried out research into the trends and the state of monitoring efforts both nationally and internationally.
Read the report ‘What is known about terrestrial insect population trends in Aotearoa New Zealand?’ (PDF, 597KB) (September 2021)
Read Jono’s reflection on insect decline (November 2021)
Read an interview with Jono on RNZ (January 2020)

Brittany Bennenbroek
Brittany has a Postgraduate Diploma in Science in Psychology, and is currently completing the Master of Science in Society at Te Herenga Waka – Victoria University of Wellington.
Brittany’s project with the office was a collaboration with the Kindness in Science project with Te Pūnaha Matatini, completed in 2023. She explored the effect and timing of past policy changes aimed at improving a culture of inclusion, or kindness in research in Aotearoa.
Read her reflection here (March 2023)
The project report here (February 2023)
The timeline (format best configured to a computer) can be found here (February 2023)
We gratefully acknowledge funding from Te Pūnaha Matatini.

Dr Jared Carpendale
Working with Stuart McNaughton (Chief Science Advisor for the Ministry of Education), Jared’s fellowship focused on developing a deeper understanding of the enablers and constraints that teachers and students face in Years 4-8 science. Outcomes from this work will be used to increase student interest, engagement, and achievement in science, including changing the inequitable patterns of achievement by ethnicity and gender. He completed his fellowship in 2023.

Emma Coultas
Emma has a Bachelor of Science in Geography & Sociology and graduated from the Master of Disaster Risk and Resilience programme at the University of Canterbury. Emma is also completing her Masters of Science at the University of Canterbury.
Emma’s project focused on coordinating the national science response to the Cyclone Gabrielle recovery which was completed in 2023. She worked with Tom Wilson (Chief Science Advisor for the National Emergency Management Agency) to provide national support to locally led science, mātauranga, and Te Ao Māori initiatives.

Trixie Croad
Trixie worked on the OPMCSA’s food loss and waste prevention and summary reports, finishing in June 2024. Trixie has a background in sociology and food waste. She previously completed her MA on the topic and was the manager of the Food Waste Innovation research group at the University of Otago.

Dr Wayne Crump
With a background in maths and physics, Wayne undertook his PhD in the field of superconductivity. His project at the OPMCSA focused on the potential impacts of quantum computing technology. Wayne completed his internship in 2019, and created the two resources below.
Read the quantum computing information sheet (PDF, 252KB) (July 2019)
Read the quantum computing resource list (PDF, 194KB) (July 2019)
Read Wayne’s reflection on his internship (July 2019)

Pauls Davis
Pauls completed his internship with the OPMCSA in 2021, having just completed his PhD in innovation management at the University of Auckland. His internship explored academic-business collaboration linkages and their potential in the Aotearoa New Zealand innovation ecosystem.
Funded through Te Pūnaha Matatini and UniServices.

Dr Priyanka Dhopade
Priyanka’s project, completed in June 2024, aimed to provide a more holistic view of the environmental considerations for space-related activity across terrestrial and orbital environments, as well as generate more societal awareness of space technology and our increasing reliance on it. Priyanka’s background is in aerospace engineering and industrial research from the University of Oxford.
Read Priyanka’s reflection on navigating the complexities of pollution from the space industry.
Priyanka has also produced a resource on Space Sustainability (April 2024).

Dr Revel Drummond
Revel is a plant molecular biologist at Plant & Food Research and completed an internship with the office in June 2024. Revel’s project explored how the science of CRISPR-Cas gene editing has been accepted, or not, by different countries and cultures and identifies potential solutions in for NZ.
Revel has produced a summary of resources to understand the regulation of gene editing in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Jacques de Satgé
Jacques has completed his PhD in conservation biology at Massey University and has a background in urban ecology and human-wildlife conflict studies. In his 2021 internship with the OPMCSA, Jacques produced a synthesis of the types and extent of legal mangrove removal in Aotearoa New Zealand, the socio-ecological drivers of this removal, and how removal practices may affect native birds.
Download ‘Mangrove management in Aotearoa New Zealand: A bird’s eye review’ (PDF, 5MB) (October 2021)
Watch a presentation by Jacques about mangroves and the banded rail (September 2021)

Sherry Feng
Sherry is currently completing a PhD on data augmentation techniques for natural language processing (NLP) at Auckland University of Technology (AUT). Her internship in 2023, focused on the potential for Large Language Models (LLM’s) to be used within the healthcare system, exploring the benefits and challenges for patients, medical professionals and policymakers if this was to occur.

Dr Ankita Gangotra
Ankita completed her PhD in the Department of Physics at the University of Auckland. Ankita is a staunch advocate for equity in STEM, and explored ways to improve equity as part of her internship in 2019.
Read Ankita’s findings in the report ‘Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (PDF, 1MB) (December 2019)

Constanza Jackson
Constanza has a multidisciplinary background in public health, epidemiology, and clinical research. Constanza completed an internship with the office in June 2024 focused on cyanobacteria and cyanotoxin risks to NZ drinking water supplies.
You can read Constanza’s report here.

Dr Becs Jarvis
Becs is a Senior Lecturer in Marine Social Science in the Department of Environmental Science, School of Science, at Auckland University of Technology. Her research interests include the high seas, marine science, marine social science, ocean governance, marine management, transdisciplinary research, and knowledge-policy-action. Becs is Lead Author on the Intergovernmental Platform for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) Nexus Assessment on the interlinkages between biodiversity, climate, food, and human health. Becs’ project explored the relevance of what happens in the high seas for our future ocean and Aotearoa New Zealand.

Ben Jones
Ben’s academic background is in pharmacology and he works at Medsafe, New Zealand’s medicines regulator. As part of a science communication programme, Ben worked with the OPMCSA and the Ministry of Health on antimicrobial resistance in 2019. Ben collated resources which explain what antimicrobial resistance is (December 2019), what the impacts may be and what workstreams are in place nationally and internationally.

Lysea Haggie
Lysea has an interdisciplinary background in psychology, physiology, education and engineering. Lysea completed an internship with the office in June 2024. Initially, Lysea focused on AI in education and then contributed to the food loss and waste prevention report.

Nathan Hill
Nathan completed an internship with the office in June 2024 focusing on the visualisation of environmental data in Aotearoa. During his internship, Nathan was an MSc student in ecology at the University of Canterbury.
Read the report ’The importance of connecting people with environmental data: visualisation, access and understanding’ (June 2024)

Shinji Kihara
Shinji has a PhD in physical chemistry. His internship completed in 2020 looked into the regulatory framework on nanomaterials safety in Aotearoa New Zealand, assessing the strengths and weaknesses from a scientific point of view. He also undertook some work on AI and COVID-19.

Dr Madhuri Kumari
Madhuri is a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Otago’s Department of Physics. In her internship project, completed in 2020, she created a map of organisations working within the photonics sector of Aotearoa New Zealand. Her survey revealed that the current research and business activities related to photonic technologies play key roles in advancing agritech, enabling telecommunications, and empowering manufacturing industries.

Dr Marissa Le Lec
Marissa completed an internship with the office in June 2024 focusing on the visualisation of environmental data in Aotearoa. Marissa has a background in conservation and genetics.
Read the report ’The importance of connecting people with environmental data: visualisation, access and understanding’ (June 2024)

Stephen Lo
Stephen has submitted his PhD thesis in chemistry at the University of Auckland. Stephen worked with the Office remotely during the COVID-19 lockdown in 2020 and prepared a report on seasonality.

Richard Marks
Richard is a MSc student at the University of Otago studying Science Communication, with a background in neuroscience. While interning with the office in 2022, Richard produced infographics to support OPMCSA’s 2022/23 project on food waste.

Dr Tara McAllister
Tara (Te Aitanga ā Māhaki) did her PhD in freshwater ecology at the University of Canterbury. She is a Research Fellow with Te Pūnaha Matatini and worked in association with the Office in 2019 to examine the numbers of Māori in science, as an MBIE-based internship.
Read the paper ‘Why isn’t my professor Māori? A snapshot of the academic workforce in New Zealand universities’ – a publication by TG McAllister, J Kidman, O Rowley and RF Theordore (2019)
Read and listen to an interview on RNZ with Tara and her fellow researcher Dr Sereana Naepi about their research into the stubbornly low numbers of Māori and Pasifika working at New Zealand universities (August 2019)

Jackson McBreen
Jackson is an undergraduate studying for a Bachelor of Science at the University of Otago majoring in Botany with a minor in Agricultural Innovation. As part of Otago University’s summer student programme, in conjunction with The Food Waste Innovation Research Group, Jackson undertook a 10-week studentship with our office from November 2023 to February 2024. His research project investigated on-farm food loss, specifically looking into technology, management practices, and strategies used to mitigate losses in horticulture.
Read Jackson’s overview of solutions for on-farm food loss.

Professor Duncan McGillivray
Duncan is a Professor in Physical Chemistry at the University of Auckland. Duncan was a visiting fellow with the OPMCSA, finishing up in 2021. His current research is focused on materials science, including colloids and surface science.

Megan McKenzie
Megan is an undergraduate studying for a Bachelor of Arts and Science at the University of Otago majoring in PPE and Psychology. As part of Otago University’s summer student programme, in conjunction with The Food Waste Innovation Research Group, Megan undertook a 10-week studentship with our office from November 2023 to February 2024. Her project reviewed various forms of organics bans to landfill, summarising international policies that target the prevention of organic waste and evaluating their success.
Read Megan’s international policy overview of organic waste bans to landfill.

Dr Hannah McKerchar
Hannah has a PhD in biochemistry which mapped changes in food proteins and has a background as a commercial litigation lawyer. Hannah’s project during her internship with the office in 2024 explored how to improve the use of research evidence and connections with policy in Aotearoa.
Hannah’s project is exploring how to improve the use of research evidence and connections with policy in Aotearoa. Read more about her, and the OPMCSA’s, work in this area here.
Hannah has produced a resource ‘Engaging with policy – resources to help scientists navigate a complex environment’
This resource includes two videos; one on explaining how to produce a policy brief and the other on the challenges of getting research to inform policy. She has also produced a policy brief guide and template.
We gratefully acknowledge funding from the Riddet Institute.

Dr Ngahuia Mita
(Te Aitanga a Mahaki, Ngāti Porou, Ngāti Hako)
Ko Horouta, Tākitimu, Tairāwhiti ngā waka
Ko Maungahaumi, Pukehāpopo, Te Rae o Te Papa ngā maunga
Ko Tūranganui a Kiwa, me Tikapa ngā moana
Ko Waipaoa, Waiomoko, Waihou ngā awa
Ko Te Aitanga a Mahaki, Ngāti Porou, Ngāti Hako ngā iwi
Ko Ngāti Wāhia, Ngāti Konohi ngā hapū
Ko Parihimanihi, Whangara, Tirohia ngā marae
Ngahuia is a fellow with the OPMCSA and she is working on a project in collaboration with Professor Anne-Marie Jackson. She has completed a PhD on Māori Health and Physical Education entitled Tairāwhiti Waka, Tairāwhiti Tāngata: Examining Tairāwhiti Voyaging Philosophies. Her PhD examines Tairāwhiti voyaging whakapapa and how Tairāwhiti Waka hourua can improve health and wellbeing in Te Tairāwhiti.
In 2021-2023, Ngahuia was one of two Tairāwhiti interns in partnership with Tairāwhiti iwi Ngāi Tāmanuhiri (Tāmanuhiri Tūtū Poroporo Trust), Te Aitanga a Mahaki, Rongowhakaata and Ngāti Porou, and the OPMCSA. The Prime Minister had asked our office to host two internships to undertake future-focused projects centred in Tairāwhiti, to support the ‘shared future’ kaupapa of the 2019 commemorations of the beginnings of the nation now known as Aotearoa New Zealand. As a fellow Ngahuia continued this work alongside Professor Jackson and Te Koronga, the Centre of Indigenous Science at the University of Otago.
Ngahuia’s internship was to examine, understand and highlight a Te Ao Māori perspective on the climate emergency, specifically from the perspective of Te Tairāwhiti. In order to achieve this Ngahuia focused on a number of significant sites, connected to tūpuna waka (ancestral canoes), in the Tairāwhiti rohe (region) to determine what the impact of the current climate change emergency is in these places.
We gratefully acknowledge funding from Te Koronga.

Jessica O’Connor
Jessica is currently completing her PhD at the University of Otago, her research focuses on understanding the quantities, drivers, and opportunities for mitigating food loss and waste in New Zealand dairy and beef production and processing. She also has a background in agriculture, plant breeding, and quantitative genetics. During her internship, Jessica used her expertise and enthusiasm for positive change in food systems to contribute to the Food Loss and Waste Prevention Report.

Dr Olivia Ogilvie
Olivia completed her studies at the University of Auckland with a PhD in Biochemistry. Her PhD was in food biochemistry and used mass spectrometry to investigate the digestion of gluten peptides that cause coeliac disease.
Olivia’s internship, completed in 2022, focused on cellular agriculture and future protein sources with a lens on the regulatory, policy and ethical implications of these technologies in an Aotearoa New Zealand context. Her work was a part of a larger research project in this area, in conjunction with researchers at the University of Canterbury, the University of Auckland and Massey University.
See Olivia’s cellular agriculture summary and resource portal

André Oliveira
André studied a Master of Public Policy (MPP) at the University of Oxford, with his internship the final part of this programme. His 2022 internship with OPMCSA explored food loss and waste at the primary production stage of the food supply chain, with a particular focus on the impacts of climate change and related extreme weather events. His project related to the OPMCSA’s 2022/23 project on food waste.

Professor Justin O’Sullivan
Justin is a Professor in the Liggins Institute at the University of Auckland. Justin completed his fellowship in 2021, developing an explainer resource on genomics for policy makers. His current research focuses on a holistic approach to understand genomes and cell structure formation, function, and inheritance.

Fang Ou
Fang has a PhD in physics from the University of Auckland. Her project at the OPMCSA in 2019 was to assess the impact of artificial intelligence and augmented and virtual reality technologies on learning, teaching and education in Aotearoa New Zealand.
Summary: AI and education at a glance (PDF, 320KB)
Report: On the impact and potential of AI in education (PDF, 690KB)

Dr David Pomeroy
Working under the guidance of Professor Stuart McNaughton (Chief Science Advisor for the Ministry of Education) in 2020, David produced a synthesis of research about achieving equity and excellence in mathematics education.
David has a background in high school mathematics teaching and is a lecturer in mathematics education at the University of Canterbury.
Read ‘Could academic streaming in New Zealand schools be on the way out? The evidence suggests it should be’ on The Conversation (September 2020)

Ceridwyn Roberts
Ceridwyn has worked for six of the eleven National Science Challenges, a variety of Endeavour Funded Programmes and several CRIs. She is passionate about helping society use the wisdom and knowledge we gain from scientific research. In years gone by, she managed the launch of the NZ SeaRise Programme’s national interactive map and helped write the Climate Change Commission’s draft report on the Government’s emissions reduction plan, and managed communications at Motu Research. Ceridwyn’ fellowship focused on mission-led science communication and engagement across the science system. This encompassed multi-institutional, multi-disciplinary projects and focused on impact leading to action – whether that be action in a commercial, community, industry, or policy setting.
Read Ceridwyn’s report on mission-led science communication and engagement. (PDF, 3MB)

Dr Cate Roy
Cate is a senior policy analyst in the Office of Research Strategy and Integrity at the University of Auckland. She was a fellow with our Office in 2021.Working with the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet and Universities New Zealand, Cate explored the research-policy interface. Her project aimed to expand knowledge on potential approaches to strengthening the two-way flow of knowledge between academia and policy makers. Read more about her, and the OPMCSA’s, work in this area here.
Read Connecting two worlds: Enhancing knowledge sharing between academics and policymakers in Aotearoa New Zealand (November 2022)
Download ‘Enhancing knowledge sharing between academics and policymakers in Aotearoa New Zealand’ (PDF, 448KB) (December 2021)

Tom Saunders
Tom has a background in entomology, chemical ecology, and biological control, and he joined the OPMCSA in 2021 after submitting his PhD. Tom is passionate about open research practices. His internship explored the topic of public access to taxpayer-funded research in Aotearoa New Zealand.
Read ‘The Future is Open: Establishing Wider Open Access for Research Publications in Aotearoa New Zealand’ (May 2022)

Dr Georgina Shillito
Georgina did her PhD in chemistry at the University of Otago. Georgina’s intern project in 2019 involved examination of current solar energy use in New Zealand and also evaluated new, emerging technologies and assessed their potential impact on energy use and policy in New Zealand.
Download ‘Solar Energy Policy’ (PDF, 671KB) (October 2019)

Xanthe Smith
Xanthe produced a podcast connected to the report: The future of commercial fishing in Aotearoa New Zealand as part of her internship with the OPMCSA in June 2024. Xanthe is a science communicator based in Wellington. Her previous work includes a short film following a South Island traverse, a podcast about electric vessels, and writing for STEM projects within Te Herenga Waka–Victoria University of Wellington.
Read about Xanthe’s internship or listen to her podcast.

Dr Odile Smits
Odile obtained her PhD in computational physics/chemistry. Her intern project in 2020 was about minimising carbon footprints through efficient electricity distribution and storage.
Download ‘CO₂ emissions and energy consumption 2018’ (PDF, 2MB) (April 2020)

Casey Spearin
Casey has a Master’s degree in Science in Society from Victoria University of Wellington and works as a science communicator for the Department of Conservation’s marine ecosystems team. Her internship project, which she completed in 2020 and conducted with the supervision of Anne-Gaelle Aussiel (Manaaki Whenua) and Alison Collins (Ministry for the Environment), studied the initiatives to link environment and wellbeing in relation to Cultural Health Indicators (CHIs).

Rachel Teen
Rachel has an MBA from University College Dublin, an MSc in Water Resource Management (WRM) from Lincoln University, and has recently submitted her PhD in WRM at the University of Canterbury. Rachel completed an internship with the office in June 2024, reviewing New Zealand’s past water-borne illnesses and investigating the future likelihood and potential frequency of more outbreaks.
You can read Rachel’s internship report here.

Abi Thampi
Abi has a PhD in physics from the University of Auckland. Abi’s work with the Office in 2020 looked at citizen science platforms around the world.
See Abi’s collated resources in ‘Citizen science: The international landscape’ (PDF, 262KB) (July 2020)

Ben Thurlow
Ben is a human geographer and social scientist studying for a PhD at the University of Cambridge.
Ben’s internship project, completed in 2023, explored New Zealand scientists’ reflections on the public reception of the science communication during the COVID-19 pandemic, considering both the successes of the government’s response as well as potential lessons for the future.

Dr Cherie Tollemache
Cherie has a PhD from the School of Chemical Sciences at the University of Auckland. Cherie worked most recently with the Office in 2021 as a MacDiarmid-funded research assistant investigating new technologies to reduce waste. She previously worked with the Office on COVID-19 during the 2020 lockdown, preparing a report on COVID-19 severity and vitamin D status.
See Cherie’s work ‘Evaluation of new technologies to reduce plastic waste in Aotearoa New Zealand’ (PDF, 1MB) (April 2021)

Dr Akshita Wason
Akshita worked as research analyst during her internship she completed in 2019, on secondment from a research role at the University of Canterbury. She worked across a broad range of topics, including background research for our rethinking plastics project, our diversity in education work stream, and miscellaneous enquiries from the public.

Kyle Webster
Kyle’s research background is in protein nanotechnology. His internship involved exploring the technological background of artificial intelligence (AI). He talked to people around the country to capture what experts were thinking in this area, and scoped the long term impacts of AI development on Aotearoa New Zealand society and policy completing his internship in 2021. Kyle is fully occupied with his start-up company, Litmaps.
Curated list of AI resources (PDF, 127KB)
AI is here to stay. Now we need to ensure everyone benefits (The Conversation)

Dr Simone Weyand
Simone was a Sir Henry Dale Fellow and Group Leader at the University of Cambridge, where she is now an independent scientist. Her research interests are in the structure determination of membrane proteins from pathogenic organisms in order to understand their molecular mechanism. She is also a fellow and member of the governing body of Darwin College in Cambridge. In 2021, Simone was a visiting fellow that undertook a survey of international antimicrobial resistance policy responses.

Tanith Wirihana Te Waitohioterangi
(Rongowhakaaata, Ngai Tamanuhiri, Te Aitanga a Mahaki, Rongomaiwahine, Ngati Oneone)
Ka rere Te Ārai te Uru, Ka rere Waipaoa ki Kōpututea ki Te Moana nui a Kiwa ko te ara tēnā o ngā waka i haere ai ki Nukunukuroa. Ko Tākitimu, Ko Nukutere, Ko Horouta, Ko Kurahaupō ngā waka tipua whakaihiihi, whakawehiwehi ka tau ki raro ngā ngaru whatiwhati, ka hoki atu i te pōuriuri, i te pōtangotango. Ko Arowhana, Ko Maungahaumi, Ko Pōpōia, Ko Titirangi, Ko Manawarū, Ko Puketapu, Ko Ngā pari mā mai, koirā ko Te Kurī o Whata, ngā Taupae rawa o Tūranganui a Rua te matua, o Tūranga nui a Maru, o Tūranganui a Kiwa. Kua mauria mai ngā iwi katoa ki rō te kupenga o Te wairua pane o te ora.
Tanith is currently completing a BA in political science and public policy. In his internship that he finished in 2022, he was attached to Te Papa Tongarewa, and worked closely with the Rongowhakaata Iwi Trust in Tūranga (Gisborne) to establish the provenance of tāonga attributed to Rongowhakaata Iwi and hapū, collected and disbursed by Lt. James Cook and the Endeavour crew at the conclusion of their 1769–1771 voyage of discovery.
Funded from the PM’s Emerging Priorities Fund as part of the Tuia 250 commemorations.
We gratefully acknowledge past funding from Dodd-Walls Centre for Photonic and Quantum Technologies, MacDiarmid Institute for Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology, Riddet Institute, Royal Society Te Apārangi, Te Pūnaha Matatini, and UniServices.
We thank them for supporting internships that aimed to bridge the gap between scientific research and policy.